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Dørhåndtag, Komé af C.F. Møller Architects, sort PVD-belagt rustfrit stål (AISI 304)

1.726,08 kr.

Vi præsenterer Randi-Line® Komé-dørgrebet, et mesterværk af design fra det anerkendte C.F. Møller Architects.


Dette greb kombinerer tidløs symmetri med overlegen ergonomi, fremstillet af ø19 mm massivt rustfrit stål (AISI 304) og afsluttet med en elegant sort PVD-belægning for holdbarhed og en moderne æstetik.

De vigtigste egenskaber ved Randi-Line® Komé-dørhåndtaget:

  • Design: Tidløst og symmetrisk, designet til ergonomisk komfort og visuel tiltrækningskraft.
  • Materiale: Fås i en holdbar sort PVD-belagt overflade, der forbedrer både funktionalitet og elegance.
  • Størrelser: Leveres i par til dørtykkelser på 40 mm, 34-58 mm eller 58-82 mm.
    Kunder rådes til at angive dørtykkelse ved bestilling.
  • Spindel: Leveres som standard med en 8×8 mm spindel.
    Som ekstraudstyr fås også en 9×9 mm spindel, der lever op til de strenge standarder i DIN 18273.
  • Yderligere funktioner: Matchende låseskåle og drejeknapper fås i samme sorte PVD-belagte finish.
  • Anbefaling til installation: For optimal ydeevne, især når den bruges med magnetiske låsekasser eller andre låsetyper med utilstrækkelig fjederstyrke, anbefales det at bruge en returfjeder.


Randi-Line® Komé-grebet er ikke bare et funktionelt stykke hardware, men også en betydelig forbedring af æstetikken i ethvert arkitektonisk rum.
Dette dørgreb er perfekt til både moderne og klassisk interiør og sikrer lang levetid, funktionalitet og uovertruffen stil.

Yderligere information







Randi has stood as a beacon of exemplary architectural hardware craftsmanship since its inception in 1878. Renowned for its superior quality in stainless steel and brass, Randi has become a vanguard in the realm of trim and sanitary appliances, reflecting the unique Scandinavian design ethos. The brand’s dedication to excellence was further emphasized in April 2014, when it joined the family of ECO Schulte GmbH & Co. KG, a family-owned German enterprise esteemed for its trim and lock products.

Randi’s journey from producing cast door handles in its initial workshop in Randers to becoming a leader in the architectural hardware industry is a testament to its commitment to marrying traditional craftsmanship with cutting-edge technology and modern machinery. This blend of old and new was notably showcased in 1948 when the demand for stainless steel door handles by an architectural firm catalyzed the development of three distinctive trim series – Randi-Line®, Novo-Line®, and Classic-Line® – all forged in collaboration with prominent Danish architects.

These products are celebrated worldwide not just for their aesthetic and technical merits but also for their embodiment of timeless, elegant Scandinavian design, which seamlessly complements both contemporary and classical architecture.

At the heart of Randi’s enduring success is its design philosophy: a steadfast commitment to simplicity and flexibility. This philosophy aims to achieve optimal functionality using the most appropriate materials while maintaining the simplest form possible. This principle has guided Randi in becoming a flexible project supplier capable of accommodating specific customer needs in design, functionality, and material.

As a professional partner in product development, Randi transcends the standard range, showcasing unparalleled flexibility in bespoke projects. This commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction ensures Randi remains at the forefront of architectural hardware, setting standards in design and quality that resonate across global landscapes.


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